Mentorship Program

Our mentorship is inspiring, shaping and building networking opportunities for exceptionally talented high school and university students with limited or no exposure.


  • Improved personal and career development
  • Leadership development.
  • Building life-changing connections

Africa Academy for Careers is dedicated to inspiring, mentoring and connecting graduates with exceptional potential with organizations and companies that are eager to prepare them for a successful career as an agent of change.

Our work aims to foster skills development programming that envisions a more agile and responsive workforce to meet changing demands of the labor market.

We’re recognizant of the rapid socio-economic development in Rwanda, Africa and globally as a result of technological, environmental, and demographic changes.

That has made an unavoidable effect on the nature of work —unfolding new opportunities, but also creating new challenges that traditional university education is unable to tackle.

SCieTECHi Women Leadership Program

We provide mentorship and networking opportunities for women in science and technology in colleges, schools and universities to emerge as young leaders of change.

SCieTECH Talent and Innovation Center

We provide connection points for digital talents and employers while inspiring innovation to shape a tech savvy workforce that organizations and companies are increasingly demanding